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The doctor has been dead for three days: I've seen it all, and heaven and hell

Tatiana Anisimova Bjelous (65)

The doctor has been dead for three days: I've seen it all, and heaven and hell
Ukrainian doctor Tatiana Anisimova Bjelous (65), mother of five children, died in surgery. Her soul has left the body, and she watched as they want to revive ...

 On the third day after Ukraine's Dr. Tatiana Anisimova Bjelous (65), mother of five children died on the operating table hospital in Odessa, her family came to the hospital by the body. It's been 72 hours and are already wondering why nobody called.
- The body is not here. Tatjana is alive - told them doctors. Her mother looked at them, not believing what I was saying.
- Oh, you're kidding. How dead after three days can revive? - She asked them. Only Tatjana Većeslav husband kept saying you do not agree burial because his wife back. To him said the Lord God.Her soul went heaven, purgatory and hell
- My mother's hip and said that the poor suffered the death of a child and at the same time madness zeta. They said that he came down with uma.Tko will watch the kids wondered - Tatjana recounts what was happening in her death and resurrection and the 1991st Because of brain cancer ended in surgery and three days later she woke up in the morgue. Previously, her soul went heaven, purgatory and hell.
- After I saw hell and heaven and stood at the foot of the throne of God I burst into his body with great suffering and pain. And then I saw the room, tiles on the walls, a woman in a white coat and water spilled on the floor. A woman's point a finger at me in total shock, unable to utter a word - says Tatiana.
- That woman is pale, and then began to shout. I asked, "Why are you yelling, I'm sore all over," and she's freaking out rushed from the morgue - says Tatiana. She was cold, so She wrapped a sheet that has been covered.Medical students have already started to dissect her body
She looked at her feet and saw on one card with a number, and the other written name and date of death. Then she saw the slit belly. Strange, she thought. But it was weird. It was before a doctor and former medical student decided when he dies his body leave the students to practice on it. On Friday, medical students are already working on it. Remove her uterus and ovaries. Over the weekend there was no one, and on Monday, when they should come again, she was back among the living. Soon he entered the morgue surgeon, her former professor from the university.
- No! No! It is impossible! You're dead - he said, and Tatjana had covered myself and told him he was still alive.
- Yes, your hands are moving. You're alive, quickly lie down. And now what do I do with you? You always create problems, but this is already too much - he is shocked by the doctor. Tatjana then looked at her hands. Rigor color and freckles, blue black nails ...

" The youngest child is afraid of me unto me did not occur because the first month my skin still had a death's-color "

 Describe our journey through heaven and hell. It all started in the operating room after the soul has left the body. She stood next to the table and watched as alive. Fellow surgeon cried he does not want back into the body. After he ignored launched a series of hospital corridor. At its end, she saw her husband on his knees to pray for her recovery. She tried to tell him that it is good and not to worry, but he did not hear.

 "Discerned the outlines of a man in a white dress that was blowing. I thought it was Jesus. When I got in front of him, I fell on my knees and he told me, "Get up, I am not the Christ. Before me, you must not kneel, I'm an angel sent by God"

 - At one point I found myself in a tunnel that was cold, dark and damp, and I felt as though I walk through the swamp, but I finally saw the light, and I knew exactly where I was going. The light was beautiful and bright. Inside the outline of a man in a white dress that was blowing. I thought it was Jesus. When I got in front of him, I fell to my knees, and he told me, "Get up, I am not the Christ. Before me, you must not kneel, I'm an angel sent by God" - says Tatiana. 
'' I do not know why God chose me''
She does not know why God chose her specifically. Why did he killed, and then show her heaven and hell, and gave her the task to testify on his behalf, to transmit all his goodness.
- I lied, I was not submissive, I was punished and beaten children. I taught them that fear God, but not to love him. I was active in the church, I knew to be tricky. There is a lot there. I met him when I opened my book of my life and I saw everything I did, what I said and thought - says Tatiana.
God's throne is illuminated all around. She remembered and psalms that speak to God's throne shines all around because there is no sun or moon.Failed to look God in the face
She wanted to look God in the face, but did not succeed. Angel who had led all the way laid a hand on her head and leaned down. She fell to her knees.
- He told me that no one alive has seen the face of the Lord. Let anyone who has seen Christ has seen the Father, and who has seen the Father has seen the Christ - continues the story of Tatiana. Then she says God spoke and asked what she had done for him. Tatjana was liable to be constantly prayed.
- Then two angels opened one roll and I saw myself as I read the Bible, but selectively and only what I like and that I'm not really thinking about what it says. I read the lyrics, and was thinking about how I have to go to work, take the kids to daycare, as cook today. I prayed and always looking for something, but I never thanked. He told me that she heard his voice, I searched the Scriptures - explains Tatjana.

 "I prayed and always looking for something, but I never thanked. He told me that she heard his voice, I searched the Scriptures"

 -'' O Lord, forgive me'' I said to him as a small child began to sob, and he answered me that my sins are forgiven because of his son's death on Calvary. And then I saw him in front of Golgotha ​​and other horrified. The crowd, which was shouting, "Crucify him," I was and am. God then told me that my sins were there. Then I said that I will not sin anymore - Tatjana story.
Souls to heaven do not see a hell, he's closed to them. See the country and their fellow men for whom they pray at the foot of the throne of God. God showed her how to open the skies. She saw the ground and could see every person in it. Beside each man was an angel and a demon who recorded every word and thought. Saw, he says, many ugly face and asked God, where did all these ugly people.
- Before you see only the outer shell, and now see their hearts. Go back and tell them that this world is nearing its end. I stand at the door and wait for them to repent. Here, I showed you what most people do not see - he told me, and then the angel took me on a tour of heaven.Met with his son, who died as a baby
She was walking on wet, soft grass that she caressed feet. It was full of beautiful flowers and ripe, fragrant fruit. Water is flowing from the throne of God and of all the scenes paused her breath. Then the angel before it brought the young man whom she did not recognize at first. It was her first child, a son who died at 10 months.
- He called me mom. Then I realized it was my child. The only thing I wanted to hug him. But the angel is not allowed because I was destined to come back to earth. My son said he would not be here if I did not quit then. I thanked God - says Tatiana. Shortly thereafter she saw her father who was not old, but a man of 30 years. He asked her what she was doing here, because her time has not yet come.
- My father ended up in heaven because the last 15 minutes before his death repented in the presence of a priest - continues the story of Tatiana
After meeting with his father approached the curtain of fog. They went through it and immediately felt terrible stench and heat. He could barely breathe. It was a terribly strong smell of burning flesh, rotten eggs and sweat and all the time she heard the music, heavy metal and furious rock.

" My father ended up in paradise, because the last 15 minutes before he died in the presence of the priest repented "

 - There is no water, there is such a dryness that I felt as if my skin has felt a freshness only when the angel took eagerly asking him to me by no means exhausted. This place is the first circle of hell known as purgatory - said Tatjana.
- There are people in an enclosed space full of gas rushing from one side to the other. See heaven but I can not get into it. Cry for help. They exhausted trying to sit fail because demons haunted. Look up at the sky but can not pronounce the name of the Lord. It is they who are awaiting trial. In court may be justified, but maybe not. Missed their chance for salvation on earth - explains Tatjana.
There is in a gaseous cloud-like aquarium are the souls of aborted children screaming creepy but feel no pain. They shout, "Do not kill me, I will live, I will love you Mom." They go to heaven only if their parents on earth repent, and if you do not wait for them there as witnesses.
When they moved deeper into Hell on the way she saw demons souls cut into small pieces, and every little piece screams with all his might. They later merged and in a circle. These are the souls of people who are living separated and entered discord among people. 

'' I indifferent go to hell ''
In one of the circles of hell, which constantly hear sobs, screams and screams, she saw a familiar eyes. It was her paternal grandmother. Although he regularly went to church, loved the buzz and curse people.
- She had a fiery pincers that pulled her tongue. Fire to the language over and burned the whole trachea. Would be turned into dust, and all turn in a circle - was caught Tatjana which even today can not suppress emotions when I think of. Most affected are the fate of indifferent people. Those who, while they did not do bad, but not good. She did not mean that they will end up in hell. She saw the demons that supreme devil, who sits on the throne masked, making the human soul. Seeing one of those recognized by politicians from his country. Asked the angel'' So where did he there? He's alive.''
- He told me that this man made a pact with the devil and sold his own soul. It will take a demon to Earth to live through this man - says Tatiana. After seeing everything that God wanted to show, an angel gently pushed her and she returned to her body.

 Translated and taken from :

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