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After Earth (2013)

 A thousand years later cataclísmicos events forced the flight of mankind on Earth, the new prime minister became the new home of mankind. Legendary General Cypher Raiga returned from a long tour of duty to his family away, ready to be a parent to his 13-year-old son, Kita. When an asteroid blizzard reparation Cypher and crafts Kitai, they break down - land, a strange and dangerous world now. His father died in a cab, Kitai ought to trek on antagonistic terrain to recuperate their rescue beacon. Throughout his life, Kitai wanted nothing more than to be a soldier like his father. Today, he gets a chance.
Crash landing leaves Raige Kitai (Jaden Smith) and his father, Cypher (Will Smith), stranded on Earth, forced 1000 years after the events of humanity to escape. Injured with Cypher, Kitai dangerous journey should start signal for help.

 After Earth (2013) Online

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